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 Chocolate Pate is addictive. There is something about it…The consistency, the flavor- I am not sure what it is…

Chocolate Almond Pate

 Chocolate Almond Pate dessert is on the menu today. We were on vacation last month, and we went to this unique, authentic Italian restaurant where I had the best Chocolate Pate as a dessert. The meal we had also was phenomenal so I was pretty positive that the dessert won’t disappoint either. Oh, boy. I could not think of anything all the way home but this yummy dessert, so I searched for the recipe as soon as I got home and made it for my family.

You can leave out the almond if you wish, but I think that gives a nice, crunchy twist to it.

Chocolate Almond Pate with Raspberries-2

This dessert is probably the easiest one that I have ever done. Only need a few ingredients, 10 minutes to put it together and a couple of hours to freeze it.

Chocolate pate


Author: Aniko
  • 250 g dark sweetened chocolate
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • fresh raspberries (for garnish)
  • almond (optional )
  • powdered sugar ( for garnish)
  • Raspberry Sauce:
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 2 tbs sugar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tbs corn starch
  1. Microwave the chocolate (in chunks or pieces). Once the chocolate is melted, add butter, and sugar in a large bowl stirring occasionally.
  2. Once smooth, cool to room temperature.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the heavy cream until soft peaks form.
  4. With a spatula, fold the cream into the dark chocolate.
  5. Line a loaf pan with plastic wrap, so sides and bottom are covered…or line several mini-loaf pans.
  6. Spoon the chocolate mixture into the loaf pan, smoothing the top.
  7. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for several hours or overnight.
  8. Before serving, carefully remove the pate from the loaf pan and place on work surface. Then slice the pate (at least 1/2-inch pieces) with a hot thin-bladed knife and place on a dessert plate. Serve with raspberry sauce and fresh raspberries, garnish with powdered sugar.
  9. Raspberry Sauce:
  10. Bring raspberries, sugar in a bowl and bring it to boil. To thicken the sauce add 1 tbs corn starch.

Chocolate Almond Pate with Raspberries-6

An amazing sweet bite for finishing any dinner.

Also great and lovely looking sweet to serve for any parties or get-togethers.
Chocolate Almond Pate with Raspberries-9

Chocolate Almond Pate with Raspberries-7

You can keep the Pate in the freezer and only take out 5 minutes before serving, or you can just leave it your refrigerator since it won’t last long:-)

Chocolate Almond Pate with Raspberries-10

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Have a sweet day!

aniko sign


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